2024's Top AI tools for writing: 12 best picks [Compared]

Admin / March 11, 2024

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2024 is gearing up to be a big year and one of the hottest topics? AI writing tools. They're changing the game, making waves, and setting new standards in the world of content. Everyone's talking about them, from everyday writers to the biggest names in the business. These tools are not just about automation; they're about elevating the writing skill, bringing fresh perspectives and efficiency like never before.
Ready to find out why? Let’s dive deep into the top AI tools for writing in the coming year. Join us as we uncover the future of writing today.
Bard - A conversational AI tool by Google

Best AI writing tools

General AI writing tools

1. Techbuddy AI
2. Writer
3. Quillbot

AI Tools for copywriting

AI Tools for SEO writing

AI Tools for creative writing

Why are AI tools for writing essential in 2023?

A decade ago, AI writing was a novelty. Fast-forward to 2023, it's how we create content. The earlier versions were basic, but today's models can produce rich, coherent, context-aware content. Here’s how these tools help you in everyday activities:
  1. Efficiency & productivity: Gone are the days of writer's block or spending hours crafting perfect content. The best AI writing tools speed up the writing process, ensuring businesses stay agile and responsive.
  2. Scaling content creation: Whether it's 10 articles or 1000, AI tools for writing can produce content at scale, ensuring uniformity and quality.
  3. Marketing Impact: With increasing demand for fresh content, AI helps marketers level up their game daily. It quickly crafts engaging pieces, ensuring consistent brand messaging and timely content delivery.
  4. Versatile use cases: Beyond general content creation, AI writing tools have specialized to cater to diverse niches such as general writing, copywriting, SEO writing, and creative writing. Each category has its own unique demands, and AI models have evolved to ensure precision and relevance in each domain.

How have AI tools for writing evolved?

Technology has transformed content creation, especially using Artificial Intelligence tools for writing. Let’s look at the key milestones that define this revolution.
Evolution of AI writing tools - from 2000s to 2023
  1. 2000s: Machine learning models
    Before diving into the advanced models, it's essential to grasp the foundation. At the very core, AI writing tools hinge on machine learning models. By feeding these models vast datasets comprising billions of sentences, structures, and styles, they're trained to comprehend and replicate language complexity.
  2. 2010s: Onset of AI writing tools
    As the demand for content creation grew year after year, the first set of specialized tools for writing emerged. They weren’t perfect, but signaled a paradigm shift in how content could be generated.
  3. 2020: Redefining AI writing with GPT-3
    GPT-3, when it arrived, was nothing short of revolutionary. Its ability to churn out deep, coherent, and contextually relevant text was groundbreaking, setting new benchmarks in the upcoming AI writing tools world.
  4. 2020s: Emergence of large language models (LLM)
    As the name suggests, these models specialize in language. Picture them as the supercharged brains of AI tools for writing. Their advanced processing capabilities make them invaluable assets in content creation.
  5. 2023: The rise of GPT-4
    Building on its predecessor, GPT-4 brings more than just enhanced size. Its efficiency, contextual understanding, precision, and ability to tackle complex tasks make it today's most simple yet impactful tool in content creation. Tracing this journey, it becomes evident that AI writing tools have evolved from humble beginnings to giants like GPT-4. As technology continues to evolve, the future looks even more promising.

Choosing the right AI writing tool

In today's digital era, AI writing tools are no longer a novelty but a necessity. As content demands rise, these AI tools for writing offer invaluable support. With so many claiming to be the best AI writing tool, how do you choose? Delve into these key features to make an informed decision:

Size and training of the language models

With so many emphasizing the training of AI tools for writing, how crucial is it? Well, a model's training depth affects its output quality big time. Take, for example, GPT-4. This model is trained on an extensive array of texts, including books, websites, and many other resources. As a result, its vast size enables GPT-4, one of the best AI writing tools, to generate content that stands out for its relevance and rich contextual understanding. This makes GPT-4 leagues apart from other models that have been trained on limited datasets.Here is an example:
Let’s say the input for ChatGPT also known as the prompt is: "What are black holes?"

GPT-3.5's Response:"Black holes are regions in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape."

GPT-4's Response:"Black holes are astronomical entities where gravity's pull is immensely powerful, preventing anything, including light, from escaping. They result from the collapse of massive stars. At their center lies a singularity, a point of infinite density. Surrounding this is the event horizon, a boundary beyond which escape becomes impossible."
Here are the major differences between the two responses:
Detail and Elaboration: GPT-4's response delves into the origin of black holes and introduces concepts like the singularity and event horizon.
Depth: While both answers are accurate, GPT-4 provides a more comprehensive description within the word limit.

User-friendliness and interface

In today's digital world, the user experience of an AI writing tool is crucial. A user-friendly design means anyone can create content easily, regardless of their tech skills. A prime example of this would be Techbuddy AI. It is a perfect tool for both beginners and experts in AI writing.
  • It boasts over 300 intuitive templates, eliminating the dread of a blank page.
  • Streamlines the content creation process: Pick a template, write, and get your output.
  • Diverse template options include Full Blog GeneratorInstagram CaptionContent Rephrase, and more.
  • Demonstrates how user-centric design can boost productivity.

Control over text outputs

It's more than correct grammar or facts; the content should capture a brand's unique voice and intention. Customization plays a pivotal role in this. For instance, platforms like Sudowrite have become popular by letting users customize their style preferences. Such features empower users to:
  • These features move beyond just producing generic content.
  • The AI can create content that truly reflects a brand's unique voice.
  • Emphasis on genuine representation of a brand's ethos and voice using AI tools for writing.

Pricing and affordability

This is a crucial determinant when selecting the best AI writing tools. It's not just about finding a tool within your budget but ensuring that the tool provides cost-effective solutions that give you a substantial return on your investment. A perfect example of this balanced approach to pricing can be seen in tools like Writesonic. They offer:
  • Tiered pricing structures for flexibility.
  • Users can start with a complimentary free version.
  • As content demands increase, premium versions become available.
  • Premium versions come equipped with advanced features.
  • Ensures consistent value for money.
Having discussed the key features to seek in AI writing tools, it's time to move forward. If you're seeking an AI tool for writing that excels in creating engaging content, accelerates your blog post-production, and minimizes manual typing effort, you've landed in the perfect place. Let's delve into the details.

Best AI writing tools for General writing

Techbuddy AI

Techbuddy AI has emerged as a standout in the realm of AI writing tools. Whether you're a marketer, professional, or someone looking for general to personal writing. It's not just another AI writing tool; powered by the advanced GPT-4, it's a comprehensive platform that aims to revolutionize the content creation process, ensuring quality, consistency, and efficiency. Here's an in-depth review of Techbuddy AI, emphasizing its versatility and efficiency for a wide range of users.
Techbuddy AI pros:
  • Offers 300+ templates for content, from blog posts to YouTube scripts.
  • Templates help turn ideas into words, ending prompt struggles.
  • Features team collaboration and integrates with platforms like WordPress.
  • Includes AI voice generation for diverse content.
  • Also provides AI image generation to elevate storytelling.
Techbuddy AI cons:
  • Techbuddy AI doesn't have a mobile app, but its site is mobile-friendly.
  • Templates can limit flexibility, but the default prompt can be used instead.
Techbuddy AI is useful for:
  • Professionals aiming for streamlined, AI-assisted document drafting.
  • Marketers seeking innovative content solutions to engage their audience.
  • Copywriters desiring enhanced creativity and rapid content turnaround.
  • Content Strategists looking to harness AI for effective content roadmaps.
  • Enterprises aiming to captivate a global clientele with multilingual offerings.
Techbuddy AI pricing:
Techbuddy AI adopts a tiered pricing model.
  1. Basic plan
    : Free.
    Features: Unlimited words, access to 200+ Techbuddy templates, up to 15 template runs, powered by GPT 3.5, 20 AI images included, 1 min of AI voice generation, 1 integration.
  2. Creator plan
     $15/mo (per editor, billed yearly).
    Features: Unlimited words, access to 200+ techbuddy ai templates, up to 150 template runs, powered by GPT 4, 100 AI images included, access to 10+ AI voices, 90 mins of AI voice generation, up to 5 integrations, real-time collaboration with editors, unlimited PDF & audio downloads without watermark.
  3. Agency plan
     $30/mo (per editor, billed yearly).
    Features: Unlimited words, access to 200+ techbuddy ai templates, up to 300 template runs, powered by GPT 4, generate accurate content with research and your knowledge, 200 AI images included, access to 10+ AI voices, 240 mins of AI voice generation, up to 30 integrations, real-time collaboration with editors, unlimited PDF & audio downloads without watermark, suitable for teams, 24*7 priority support.
Bottom line: Techbuddy AI is not just another AI writing tool in the market; it's a game-changer. Its focus on professional content creation, collaboration, and versatility offers unparalleled benefits. While there's room for improvement, the platform's current offerings make it a top recommendation for professionals and businesses aiming to elevate their content strategy.


 is a modern AI tool for writing designed for enterprises to simplify content creation. It's more than just one of the best AI writing tools; it's a complete system to ensure consistent brand voice, tone, and style in all texts. Let's dive into a thorough review of Writer, highlighting its benefits:
Writer pros:
  • Writer is designed for businesses, ideal for marketing teams and agencies.
  • Businesses can set detailed guidelines for language and tone with Writer.
  • Writer ensures consistency with the brand's style guide beyond just grammar.
  • It integrates with platforms like CMS and has browser extensions.
  • The platform provides resources like webinars and AI writing checklists.
  • Writer emphasizes data protection and meets regulations such as HIPAA.
Writer cons:
  • Writer is not designed for individual creators.
  • Users might need time to learn all its features.
  • It requires a monthly fee, despite reasonable pricing for its features.
Writer is useful for:
  • Writer is designed for enterprises to maintain consistent brand voice.
  • It's ideal for marketing teams needing uniform messaging.
  • Agencies can align client content with brand guidelines using Writer.
Writer pricing:
  1. Team
    : $18/mo (per user, billed monthly).
    Features: Output and insight generation, 35+ prebuilt templates, recaps for recording processes, ask writer (open-ended prompt interface), governance, style guide & snippets for rule enforcement, app extensions (Chrome, Microsoft Word, etc.) for in-line suggestions, basic admin tools, roles & permissions for one team, Google & Okta SSO, email support.
  2. Enterprise
    : Custom pricing.
    Features: Everything in team plus deep customization, custom templates for specific use cases, API access for custom workflows, data integration, knowledge graph for business data source connection, multiple team setups with unique style guides and templates, advanced security and support, custom contracts, custom infosec review, flexible deployment options, dedicated account management, onboarding & ongoing program management.
Bottom line: Writer stands out as one of the premier AI tools for writing designed for businesses. Its focus on maintaining brand consistency, tone, and style makes it invaluable for marketing teams and agencies. While it might take some time to set up and get used to, its brand consistency and content quality benefits are unparalleled. For businesses looking to elevate their content game using the best AI writing tools, Writer is a top recommendation.


 is a versatile AI tool for writing that has garnered attention for its capabilities in rewriting and enhancing general writing. While it may not be the top choice for digital marketers, it shines brightly for students and academic purposes, making it one of the best AI writing tools. Here's a detailed review of QuillBot based on my experience as a writer and editor.
Quillbot pros:
  • QuillBot provides various rewriting modes- "Standard" and "Creative."
  • It has a built-in thesaurus, grammar checker, and summarization tool.
  • The interface is user-friendly with easy document uploading for rephrasing.
  • It's student-friendly with tools like a plagiarism checker and citation generator.
  • QuillBot can be integrated via Chrome and Word extensions.
Quillbot cons:
  • QuillBot's rephrasing might not always avoid AI detection.
  • It's not specifically tailored for digital marketers.
  • The Co-Writer feature still requires human input for optimal content.
Quillbot is useful for:
  • QuillBot is invaluable for students with tools tailored for academic writing.
  • Bloggers can use it for rephrasing and enhancing articles.
  • General writers can enhance various writings, from social media to emails, with QuillBot.
Quillbot pricing:
  1. Free plan
    Features: paraphraser (up to 125 words), standard and fluency modes, limited synonym slider, 1 freeze word, summarizer (up to 1,200 words), faster processing, recommended rewrites, compare modes, plagiarism checker, tone insights, paraphraser history.
  2. Premium plan
     $9.95/mo (billed monthly).
    Features: Unlimited paraphraser words, unlimited custom & 8 predefined modes, full synonym slider use, unlimited freeze words, summarizer (up to 6,000 words), faster processing, recommended rewrites, compare modes, plagiarism checker (20 pages/month), tone insights, paraphraser history.
Bottom line: QuillBot is a comprehensive AI tool for writing, especially for students and academic purposes. Its array of features, from rewriting modes to built-in tools, makes it a valuable asset for anyone looking to enhance their writing. However, digital marketers might want to explore other options tailored to their needs. Overall, QuillBot is a robust platform that promises to improve the quality and efficiency of writing for a wide range of users.

Best AI writing tools for Copywriting


 is one of the best AI tools for writing, mainly catering to copywriters and content writers. Built using the advanced Open AIs GPT-3, Jasper stands among the top AI tools for writing, helping to create engaging content, from blogs to social media posts. Beyond simple writing, it provides feedback on the content's potential impact, ensuring each piece stands out. As AI tools for writing gain traction, Jasper's intuitive design truly stands out. It enables copywriters to produce content quickly and effectively. This positions it as one of the best AI writing tools in the online marketing arsenal.
Jasper pros:
  • Offers over 50+ templates.
  • It supports 25+ languages, making it ideal for global AI writing tools.
  • Integrated with Surfer SEO for optimised content.
  • Features like tone adjustment ensure content aligns with brand voice.
  • Long-form Assistant, a gem among AI tools for writing, aids in crafting detailed articles and posts.
  • Provides essential AI writing tools like plagiarism, grammar checks, and SEO.
  • Offers detailed reports and a supportive customer service team, elevating it among the best AI writing tools.
  • Recent updates further cement its position as one of the best AI tools for writing, enhancing content planning and generation capabilities.
Jasper cons:
  • Although among the best AI writing tools, it still requires a human touch.
  • Due to its vast features, it might be overwhelming for users new to AI writing tools.
Jasper is useful for:
  • Copywriters aim for quick, high-quality content generation.
  • Digital marketers are looking for SEO-optimized content.
  • Businesses want to engage with a global audience in multiple languages.
  • Content creators seek inspiration and assistance in content planning.
Jasper pricing:
  1. Creator
    : $39/mo billed yearly ($49/mo billed monthly).
    Features: Powerful AI to create & enhance content online, includes 1 seat, 1 brand voice, 50 knowledge assets, 50+ templates, SEO mode access, and AI browser extension.
  2. Teams
    : $99/mo billed ($125/mo billed monthly).
    Features: Advanced AI for creating content across multiple brands & collaborative campaigns, includes 3 seats, 3 brand voices, 150 knowledge assets, custom template creation, instant campaigns, and collaboration & user management.
  3. Business
    : Contact sales for custom pricing.
    Features: Everything in teams, unlimited access to all features, custom templates & automation, API access*, advanced admin analytics, SSO with additional security review, and team onboarding & ongoing tech support.
Bottom line: Jasper streamlines the content creation process, ensuring every piece is engaging and optimized for the target audience. Whether crafting captivating ad copies, insightful blog posts, or engaging social media content, Jasper has got it covered. While it's a powerful assistant, adding a personal touch to the AI-generated content is essential, ensuring it aligns with the brand's voice and message. With its vast features and continuous updates, Jasper is set to revolutionize the world of copywriting.


 is one of the premier AI tools for writing, tailored for copywriters seeking efficiency, versatility, and quality. In a market with several AI tools for writing, Copy.ai carves its niche with distinctive features. Founded by Paul Yacoubian in 2020, this tool swiftly produces premium AI content, ensuring copywriters can meet tight deadlines without compromising on quality, thus positioning it among the best AI writing tools.
Copy.ai pros:
  • Features an expansive library of 90+ use cases, a testament to its position among the best AI writing tools.
  • Supports 25+ languages, enhancing its versatility among AI tools for writing.
  • While Jasper offers 50+ templates, Copy.ai stands out among AI writing tools with its broader range of 90+ use cases. However, the best tool is Techbuddy AI, which has 300+ templates.
  • Used by renowned companies, solidifying its spot among the best AI writing tools.
  • Faster content generation compared to Jasper, making it one of the best AI tools for writing, especially for tight schedules.
Copy.ai cons:
  • Some users have reported the interface to be slow & occasionally unresponsive.
  • Manual review and edits are often required for perfection.
  • Custom tones might not always hit the desired mark.
Copy.ai is useful for:
  • Copywriters seeking a quick, diverse, and high-quality content solutions.
  • Professionals working on global campaigns requiring content in multiple languages.
  • Those who value various use cases and templates for varied content needs.
  • Copywriters who prioritize efficiency and are often working against the clock.
Copy.ai pricing:
  1. Free
    : Free forever.
    Features: Suitable for individuals testing Copy.ai basics, offers 2,000 words, 1 user seat, unlimited projects, and chat by Copy.ai.
  2. Pro
    : $49/mo billed monthly ($36 billed yearly).
    Features: Targeted at teams for generative AI collaboration & automation, includes everything for free, unlimited words, 5 user seats, unlimited brand voices, pre-built prompt templates, prompt improvement feature, Infobase, support for 95+ languages, and API access.
  3. Enterprise
    : Contact for pricing details
    Features: For organizations needing robust AI & automation with enhanced security and oversight, incorporates everything in Pro, along with unlimited seats, SSO & infosec review, private company Infobase, dedicated account manager, and dedicated AI training & workflow enablement.
Bottom line: Choosing between the best AI writing tools like Jasper and Copy.ai can be daunting for copywriters. However, Copy.ai, with its extensive features and backed by GPT-3, emerges as a top contender among AI tools for writing. It's not just about content generation but having the right AI tool for writing that understands the nuances of copywriting. While both tools have their merits, Copy.ai slightly edges out in catering to modern copywriters' dynamic needs. As with all AI tools for writing, refining the generated content is key. With its unique features, Copy.ai is poised to dominate the world of the best AI writing tools.


, is another contender in the best AI writing tools lineup. It’s an AI-powered content generation platform crafted for dynamic copywriting needs. In a landscape filled with AI tools for tools like Jasper and Copy.ai, Copymatic distinguishes itself by offering an exhaustive suite of features without breaking the bank. This tool is not just for content but also for refining the entire content creation process.
Copymatic pros:
  • Highly affordable with unlimited content generation across all plans.
  • Generate up to 1500 words for free, allowing users to test its capabilities.
  • Over 80+ AI-powered tools, making it versatile among AI tools for writing.
  • Built-in plagiarism checker, a feature sought in the best AI writing tools.
  • Offers a broader range of templates than many AI tools for writing.
  • It is more budget-friendly, making it among the best AI writing tools.
Copymatic cons:
  • High plagiarism percentage, requiring manual checks and edits.
  • No free plan is available, unlike Copy.ai.
Copymatic is useful for:
  • Copywriters seeking an all-in-one solution for content and image generation.
  • Professionals working on tight budgets but requiring high-quality content.
  • Those who value a tool that offers content creation and image generation capabilities.
  • Copywriters who need a wide range of templates for varied content needs.
Copymatic pricing:
  1. Pro
     $19/mo billed yearly ($29/mo billed monthly).
    Features: 1 user seat, unlimited words, unlimited chat access, access to all tools, unlimited projects, 25+ languages, and plagiarism checker.
  2. Team
     $32/mo billed yearly ($49/mo billed monthly).
    Features: 5 user seats, unlimited words, unlimited chat access, access to all tools, unlimited projects, 25+ languages, and plagiarism checker.
  3. Enterprise
     $66/mo billed yearly ($99/mo billed monthly).
    Features: 25 user seats, unlimited words, unlimited chat access, access to all tools, unlimited projects, 25+ languages, and plagiarism checker.
Bottom line: In the competitive world of best AI writing tools, Copymatic emerges strong, especially for copywriters. While tools like Jasper and Copy.ai have their strengths, Copymatic's affordability, combined with its feature set, makes it a top choice among AI tools for writing. Whether crafting blogs or generating unique images, Copymatic covers all. It's about having an AI tool for writing that understands modern copywriters' complex needs. With its features and competitive pricing, Copymatic is set to become a darling among the best AI writing tools.

Best AI writing tools for SEO writing


Surfer is a comprehensive on-page optimization tool for SEO professionals and content creators. It offers features to help users create SEO-optimized content, analyze SERPs, conduct keyword research, and more. It provides deep insights into over 500 on-page signals, which is instrumental for those using AI tools for writing to optimize their content for better search rankings.

Surfer pros:
  • Offers a detailed analysis of over 500 ranking metrics, ensuring a thorough understanding of on-page factors.
  • Provides relevant keyword suggestions, aiding those using AI tools for writing in enhancing content optimization.
  • The SERP analyzer tool allows users to spy on competitors, gaining insights into their strategies.
  • Integration with Google Docs facilitates the creation of SEO-optimized content within a familiar environment.
  • Quick content audits save time and provide actionable insights.
  • Identifies profitable link-building opportunities, enhancing off-page SEO strategies.
Surfer cons:
  • Some suggestions might be irrelevant, requiring manual filtering.
  • The plethora of data can be overwhelming for beginners.
  • The base plan does not offer NLP queries, which might be a limitation for some users.
Surfer is useful for:
  • SEO professionals leveraging AI tools for writing to optimize web pages for better search engine rankings.
  • Content creators aiming to produce SEO-friendly content that resonates with search engine algorithms.
  • Digital marketers seeking insights into competitor strategies and SERP analysis.
  • Bloggers and website owners wanting to audit their content for SEO improvements.
Surfer pricing:
  1. Essential
     $89/month (or $69/month when paid annually).
    Features: Suitable for freelance SEOs and bloggers. Includes 15 content editor credits, 20 audits, and free NLP for the first month.
  2. Advanced
    $179/month (or $149/month when paid annually).
    Features: The most popular plan includes 45 content editors, 60 monthly content audits, and NLP access, allowing three team members.
  3. Max
     $299/month (or $249/month when paid annually).
    Features: Designed for SEO agencies, it offers 90 content editors, 140 audits, NLP credits, and the ability to invite ten team members.
  4. Enterprise
    Features: Tailored for large agencies and enterprises, this plan offers a custom number of articles, unlimited organization seats, and a dedicated customer success manager.
Bottom line: Surfer SEO is a dedicated on-page optimization tool in the crowded SEO market. While it might not replace comprehensive SEO platforms like Ahrefs or Semrush, it offers specialized features that cater to on-page optimization needs. Its data-driven approach and user-friendly modules make it a valuable asset for anyone serious about SEO writing. Whether you're optimizing existing content or crafting new articles, Surfer SEO provides the insights and tools needed to rank higher on search engines. However, as with all tools, it's essential to balance automated suggestions with human intuition and understanding of the target audience.


 is an AI-driven SEO content marketing platform offering a suite of tools for optimized content creation and SERP research. It significantly enhances users' overall content marketing strategy. With its integration of OpenAI's GPT platform, Scalenut provides AI-enhanced writing and research capabilities, making content creation more efficient and effective.
Scalenut pros:
  • AI-enhanced SERP research allows users to gain insights into top-ranking content and optimize their articles accordingly.
  • Cruise mode is a testament to the efficiency of modern AI tools for writing, enabling quick SEO-optimized article crafting.
  • A comprehensive SEO score system provides real-time feedback on content optimization, ensuring it meets SEO standards.
  • Offers over 40 AI templates for various content types, from product descriptions to social media posts.
  • Integrations with platforms like Copyscape, Semrush, and WordPress enhance the platform's capabilities and streamline workflows.
Scalenut cons:
  • Limited language support compared to other SEO tools. However, Scalenut is working on adding more languages.
  • While AI-generated content is a strong starting point, it still requires human editing to ensure quality and relevance.
  • The user interface might confuse some, especially those new to the platform.
Scalenut is useful for:
  • Content creators and marketers looking to produce SEO-optimized content.
  • SEO professionals seeking AI-enhanced tools to improve their content strategy.
  • Businesses aiming to boost organic traffic & enhance their online presence.
  • Digital marketers wanting a comprehensive platform that combines AI writing tools with SEO optimization features.
Scalenut pricing:
  1. Essential
    $39/month billed monthly ($20/month billed yearly).
    Features: Includes over 40 AI templates, 100,000 AI words, and five SEO articles per month.
  2. Growth
     $79/month billed monthly ($40/month billed yearly).
    Features: It is designed for growing businesses and offers 30 SEO articles per month, unlimited AI words, and additional features like keyword planner and 1-click WordPress publishing.
  3. Pro
    $149/month billed monthly ($75/month billed yearly).
    Features: Tailored for larger teams and agencies, it provides 75 SEO articles per month, a dedicated CS manager, and the option to add more users.
Bottom line: Scalenut emerges as a robust content creation and SEO optimization platform in digital marketing. Its AI-driven features, combined with a comprehensive suite of SEO tools, make it a valuable asset for content creators and marketers. Whether crafting new content or optimizing existing articles, Scalenut provides the tools and insights needed to enhance your content's performance. However, as with all AI tools, combining automated suggestions with human expertise is crucial to creating content that truly resonates with the target audience.


 is a name that's gaining traction in the AI writing tools category. It is an advanced AI writer and content optimization platform designed for content creators, entrepreneurs, marketers, and teams. With its integration of OpenAI's GPT-3 model, Frase is set to revolutionize the content creation process, producing outputs almost indistinguishable from human writing.
Frase pros:
  • Frase provides efficient content research and auto-generates content briefs.
  • It simplifies SEO content optimization with actionable recommendations.
  • The tool ensures high-quality content using OpenAI's GPT-3.
  • Frase has flexible content creation with community and custom templates.
  • It has a clean, intuitive user interface.
  • Users can integrate Frase with Google Docs for a familiar workflow.
Frase cons:
  • Frase's keyword research lacks comprehensive metrics like search volume.
  • The essential Pro Add-On can make the base subscription more expensive for high-volume users.
Frase is useful for:
  • Content creators who seek the best AI writing tools for high-quality, AI-generated content.
  • Entrepreneurs and marketers looking to leverage AI tools for writing, aiming for efficient content research and optimization tools.
  • Teams seeking a versatile platform with a range of templates for various content needs.
Frase pricing:
  1. Solo plan
     $14.99/month billed monthly ($12.66/month billed yearly).
    Features: It offers 1 user seat and allows the creation and optimization of up to 4 articles monthly.
  2. Basic plan
    $44.99/month ($38.25/month billed yearly).
    Features: It provides 1 user seat with a limit of 30 articles per month.
  3. Team plan
    $114.99/month ($97.75/month billed yearly).
    Features: It includes 3 user seats (with the option to add more) and supports unlimited article creation and optimization.
Bottom line: Frase emerges as a formidable player in the AI writing and content optimization arena. Its strengths in content research, quality of output, and user interface make it a preferred choice for many. However, its keyword research capabilities and the potential added costs with the Pro Add-On are areas where users might seek improvements. Overall, Frase offers a comprehensive suite of tools for those in the content domain that can significantly enhance the content creation and optimization journey.

Best AI writing tools for Creative writing


 is a versatile AI writing software designed to assist users in crafting novels and a wide range of other content types. As one of the best AI writing tools, despite its unconventional spelling, it remains user-friendly and approachable. Offering a complimentary version, Rytr provides a range of AI tools and a comprehensive document editor for a seamless writing experience. One of its standout features is its capability to generate innovative story ideas, positioning Rytr as an ideal AI novel writing software and aiding writers in their creative endeavors.
Rytr pros:
  • Quality AI-driven content generation equipped with tone checker, character count, and word count.
  • Integrated plagiarism checks within its suite of AI tools for writing to ensure content originality.
  • Grammar check functionality to elevate the writing to a professional standard.
  • Extensive library with over 2,000 ideas, solidifying its place among the best AI tools for writing.
  • Form Generator feature for personalized and professional content touch.
Rtyr cons:
  • Some users might find the tool's name spelling to be off-putting.
  • While it offers a variety of templates, it might lack some advanced features present in more expensive tools.
Rytr is useful for:
  • Novelists and fiction writers seeking AI tools for writing and story ideation.
  • Content creators looking for a budget-friendly yet effective AI writing tool.
  • Professionals aiming for grammatically sound and plagiarism-free content.
  • Those who prefer a straightforward user interface without the complexities of intricate tools.
Rytr pricing:
  1. Free plan
    : Free.
    Features: Generate 10k characters/month, access 40+ use cases, write in 30+ languages, 20+ tones available, built-in plagiarism checker, generate up to 5 AI images/month, and access to a premium community.
  2. Saver plan
    : $9/month or $90/year.
    Features: Generate 100k characters/month, access 40+ use-cases, write in 30+ languages, 20+ tones available, built-in plagiarism checker, generate up to 20 AI images/month, premium community access, and create your own custom use-case.
  3. Unlimited plan
    : $29/month or $290/year.
    Features: Generate unlimited characters/month, access 40+ use-cases, write in 30+ languages, 20+ tones, built-in plagiarism checker, generate up to 100 AI images/month, premium community access, create custom use-cases, dedicated account manager, and priority email & chat support.
Bottom Line: Rytr emerges as a commendable choice for those in search of affordable AI writing software. Its intuitive user interface ensures that writers can concentrate on honing their creative writing prowess without the distractions of navigating a convoluted tool.


 is an AI tool that makes writing novels easier. It uses smart tech to give writers helpful suggestions like keywords and writing tips. Plus, it tells writers how readers might feel about their work. With Sudowrite, writers can quickly plan their stories, describe characters, and set up exciting plots.
Sudowrite pros:
  • It gives quick keyword ideas, showcasing why it's one of the best AI writing tools.
  • Uses smart tech like ChatGPT for better writing help.
  • It tells writers how readers might react to their story.
  • Easy to use for planning and writing stories.
  • Comes with many helpful tips and guides.
  • Works in many languages.
  • Recent updates make story planning even better and elevate its position among the best AI writing tools.
Sudowrite cons:
  • Writers might rely too much on AI suggestions.
  • Writers need to check and edit AI suggestions to keep their style.
Sudowrite is useful for:
  • New writers looking for help with story ideas.
  • Experienced writers wanting to benefit from the best AI writing tools to write faster.
  • Writers wanting to know how readers might feel about their work.
Sudowrite pricing:
  • Costs $10/month if paid yearly or $19 if paid monthly.
  • A higher plan at $25/month if paid yearly  or $29 if paid monthly, lets writers create up to 90,000 words a month.
  • If you still think you need more words, at $100/month if paid yearly or $129 if paid monthly, you get 3,00,000 AI words per month.
  • There's a free trial to test it out.
Bottom line: Sudowrite is great for writers, both new and experienced. It helps write stories faster and gives insights into how readers might react. It's easy to use and comes with many helpful resources. But, it's important for writers to add their touch to the AI's suggestions to make their work unique.


 is an AI-powered content generation platform tailored for creative writers. It offers a unique blend of machine learning models that enhance GPT-3, making it a valuable asset for writers looking to craft imaginative and compelling narratives. Whether you're drafting a novel, short story, or screenplay, Writesonic can provide you with innovative ideas, character developments, and plot twists.
Writesonic pros:
  • Quick interface, highlighting why it's among the best AI writing tools for writers focusing on creativity.
  • Offers a plethora of video tutorials to guide users.
  • Provides both short- and long-form content generation.
  • Compared to Rytr, Writesonic offers a more intuitive interface and a broader range of content types.
  • Unlike SudoWrite, which focuses on enhancing existing content, Writesonic can generate entirely new creative pieces.
Writesonic cons:
  • Templates for short-form content might not be as comprehensive as other tools.
  • The Writer 3.0 feature is limited, unlike some of the best AI writing tools.
  • The editor area can be improved for a smoother user experience.
  • Long-form content might not pass AI detectors, requiring a human touch.
  • Organization and saving features need refinement for a more intuitive experience.
Writesonic is useful for:
  • Novelists and short story writers seeking inspiration or a starting point for their narratives.
  • Screenwriters looking for dialogue suggestions, character developments, or plot ideas.
  • Poets wanting to explore new themes or poetic structures.
  • Playwrights using AI tools for writing to draft scenes or character interactions.
Writesonic pricing:
  1. Free trial
    Features: Include Chatsonic, 100+ AI templates, AI article writer 4.0, browser extensions, 1-click WordPress export, Zapier integration, landing page generator, Sonic editor, and support for 25+ languages.
  2. Unlimited
    $16/month billed monthly ($20/month billed yearly).
    Features: From the free trial plus complete article rewriter, brand voice, factual and personalized article writer (AI article writer 5.0; uses GPT-4 32K), API access, and bulk processing.
  3. Business
     $12.67/month billed monthly ($19/month billed yearly).
    Features: From the free trial plus large number of words, unlock GPT-4 and GPT-4 32K, 5 brand voices, higher quality image generation + upscaling feature, priority access to new features, and priority support.
Bottom line: Writesonic is a treasure trove of inspiration and assistance for creative writers. It goes beyond the conventional AI writing tools by offering a platform that understands the nuances and intricacies of creative writing. While tools like Rytr and SudoWrite have their merits, Writesonic's flexibility, pricing, and focus on creativity make it stand out. Whether you're facing writer's block or need a fresh perspective on a story, Writesonic is the companion every creative writer should consider. Remember, while AI can provide a foundation, the magic of storytelling always lies in the human touch.

Which AI tool for writing is best for you?

Whether you're a seasoned content strategist, a budding copywriter, or even a business owner looking to enhance your brand's online presence, Techbuddy AI has something for everyone. One of the platform's standout features is its extensive library of over 300+ templates. This templated approach streamlines the content creation process and ensures consistency and quality in the output.
Jasper is another great tool and offers a robust set of features, but its pricing might deter beginners or those on a tight budget. Scalenut, as well, offers a plethora of features and is perfect for SEO, but its complexity can be daunting for some. Choosing the right AI writing tool is a journey of understanding your priorities. Whether it's the affordability, ease of use, or advanced features, there's a tool out there tailored for you. Dive in, explore your options, and trust your instincts. Here's to finding the perfect fit and happy writing in 2024!